
We Are Called to Give

The sheer joy folks got out of doing something silly in order to show solidarity with friends and families of those afflicted with ALS was truly wonderful. But once the challenge took off and started garnering not only attention but serious money, questions and hackles were raised.

Tarred and Feathered

What people of faith should fear is how the faith element is portrayed and how broader issues of religious rights and respect are in danger of being tarred in the public eye by bizarre rights appeals.

Playing God

If Canadians hadn’t been sidetracked by the shenanigans of senators and the mayor of Toronto we might have been having a long-overdue debate on euthanasia.

Francis’s Big Heart

What surprised not only Roman Catholics but the whole world were Pope Francis’s comments that the church needs to pay less attention to rules and morals and focus more on pastoral and social justice issues.

Fear of Religion

Most of the commentary on the Quebec government’s proposed Charter of Values has focused on Quebec, but it has unveiled more about Canada as a whole than just that part of our population in Quebec. And what has been unmasked is disturbing.

Our Comfortable Pew

I can still remember reading Pierre Berton’s The Comfortable Pew. Berton was nothing if not prophetic. Perhaps not in all the details, but he did have a sense that organized Christianity, at least among Protestants and Anglicans, had lost its way.

Desiring Faith

Is it that as we make our way through life, with all its ups and downs, trials and joys, we look to certain people—perhaps to certain positions as much as anything—to help us measure where we are? To help us believe in our strength despite our weakness?

Constructive Anxiety

Anxiety is a funny thing. Too much and you find yourself in an unfocused whirl. Too little and you become complacent and lethargic. Either way, you become unproductive. It’s the same for groups or institutions.

Perpetual Immanence

Is there any other time of year that brings lingering family grievances into sharper focus? The pressure that builds around what should be a joyous time goes far beyond the stress of buying presents, attending too many parties and trying to get the house in order.

A Dialogue of Love

The intersection of faith and reason is possibly the most crowded square in Christianity—and probably the most embattled. Here’s where the Record stands.