
Calling Us Back

September, for many of our churches, is a month of ministry startups for the school year. So there is the challenge of calling people back into our activities and programs.

A Palpable Intentionality

The 140th General Assembly appeared to have an increasing level of frustration as the days went on. It was likely different for each commissioner, but somehow as the assembly was drawing to a close, there was a similar feeling that not much had changed and expectations were left unrealized.

Encouragement Tour

When I began with the fellowship, I made the commitment to visit every presbytery at least once. It requires some creativity, and a lot of encouragement and help to accomplish this goal.

Great Expectations

I get great satisfaction from observing different cultures and attempting to learn from them. As this was my first visit to South America and to rare excursions beyond tourist areas and cruise ship ports, the experience was even richer.

Remember and Be Renewed

The word “remember” appears in the Bible hundreds of times. In studying the various occurrences, I began to see a deep connection to the spiritual renewal of God’s people, corporately and individually.

Not Just Baby Jesus

My two rural churches will open their doors to a good number of visitors this Christmas Eve. As our context becomes more and more secular and un-churched, there is a growing challenge for us to convey more than a partial story of the greatest event in history.

Forgive and Forget

In the mid-90s I did an internship in a church north of Toronto. While there, divisive conflict exploded into open warfare. I’ll never forget the outburst of one of the angriest seniors.

All Are Valuable

I think it is important to anticipate a few of the challenges that might keep some of our ministers from participating in a spiritual community with their peers.

Intentional Community

As I write this, the March issue of the Record has been available for only a couple of weeks. In that time I have had more feedback than I have received for all the things I have ever written combined. I hit on something significant: many ministers are burning out.

Renewal Has a Name

A part of Advent for me is trying to gain the perspective of the Hebrews as they waited in hope for their coming Messiah. I think we can learn a lot about “waiting in hope” from them.

Guided by the Word

It isn’t enough that the Bible be seen as a ‘rule’ book telling us what to do. We must ourselves enter the story and have a worldview that reflects the reality that calls us to act in ways we never thought possible