
Go Your Way

“The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest. Go your way.”

Agents of Hope

This was to be a pivotal year for the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. On the agenda was the much-anticipated report of the Theological Commission on Same-sex Relationships and the Ministry.

Monday, Monday

Beangirl will be seven at the end of the week. She had her party earlier in the month – trying to avoid the possibly hilarious party game of ‘count the contractions!’ – and it was lovely, sunny fun. We made felt finger puppets and DIY ziplock bag ice cream (google it – it may change your summer), and ate sticky strawberry meringues.

Wanting Pudding Perhaps

When he said it, I wondered if it was just about food. It may have been. But the conversation seemed to deepen, and I think he was speaking about something else.
Blue and I were sitting on the bench in our garden. He said that he was having that feeling again.
That feeling?
Yes. The feeling of wanting something… but not knowing what.

Celebrating the Discipleship of Leaders

This Sunday, the lectionary scripture lines up nicely with this line of questioning and helps us wonder about the Gospel’s first teachers and enablers, both male and female. We’ll be reading from Luke’s Gospel, which is often noted for its inclusive take on gender.

Sound Resounds

There’s a game that Blue and I play. Honestly, I’m a little surprised that he’s still into it. We started before he could even talk – he’d be bundled up in the wrap on my front and as we’d walk through the city together I would tell him about all the things we could hear. When he started to talk, we’d take turns listening and sharing. And he still likes to play it.

Miracle Monday

It is a miracle story – and as such presents a few problems when we read it today. We’re not quite sure what to do with miracles. Embrace them? Avoid them? Dismiss them? Wonder if they are anachronistic expressions of… what?