Katie Munnik

Church Stones

Growing up, every Sunday morning saw me in a big stone church in downtown Ottawa. I was one of the kids in the pale blue choir gowns, my pigtails scruffily bunched up (again), much to my mother’s chagrin.

Novel Advice

Every library needs a reference section, and, so too with my bookshelf. I have recently been considering a couple of useful advice books that have worked for me like reference books.

Scream Free Parenting

A teacher friend of mine tells me that kids in the classroom aren’t responding to quiet voices.

In teachers’ college, student teachers are taught that to get the attention of a class, the key is to lower your voice, not raise it. But apparently, it isn’t working anymore. Kids today are just too used to screaming.

Preschoolers and Gord Downie

Perhaps most parents don’t take their four year olds to see modern dance. There certainly weren’t any other kids present. A teenaged boy lurking with his dad in the back, but nobody remotely pint-sized other than Beangirl.

I Miss Camp

Growing up, I spent all my summers at camp. Yes, we’re talking a good old Presbyterian summer camp with moist cabins, the outdoor chapel overlooking the lake, canoes and mosquitoes galore, cabins and campfires and all that.


For us, this is the last irrelevant summer vacation for a while. This fall, Beangirl will be starting school, as will Spouse, who will be wading into grad school and all that might bring. Come September, it will be a whole new chapter for us, so this year, we mean to soak up as much summer as we can get.

A Messy Life

As of today, I’ve been a mother for four years. If you count the birth of the child as the birth of the mother. My own mum counts up the ages of all of her offspring and calculates it out that way. Impressive when she does it; I’m just getting started.


Reading these stories, you know that to be somewhere cosy and bright and with family is to be connected to a greater goodness. And sometimes that’s hard because the house is small and being a little sister and a big sister at the same time isn’t easy.