
Fond Farewells

It will be hard to write this without a few tears. Writing my blogs and articles has sustained me throughout my widowhood. When Andrew Faiz asked if I would consider writing a weekly blog (so many years back), I felt that perhaps it would fill in some of the empty spaces in my life…and it did.

Being Scrubbed Clean

When we lived in Germany from 1955-1958 with the RCAF, life was not easy, especially the first 18 months. The town had been bombed to bits by the Canadians and here we were 10 years later trying to ‘keep the peace’ and were living in as wretched conditions as were many of the Germans.

The Big Fight

No, if you are looking for a fist fight you’d best check your TV channels…I was surprised the other day to find there actually is a channel devoted entirely to fighting (boxing, etc.). This is rather, the big fight with cancer.

Green Acres

My title is the title of a long ago comedy series that kept us in stitches. The problem is that my best friend is now living in a place called Emerald Gardens, and every time I’m asked where she lives, the name ‘Green Acres” surfaces…such is the mystery of the mind and the association of words.

Chance Meetings

A number of years ago I wrote an article about a chance meeting in Emergency. I had not been well and was on a stretcher waiting to see a doctor. A tall, dark-haired nurse came in and smiled at me. We chatted for a while and then she said “You’re a Christian, aren’t you?”

Storms of Life

A few minutes ago there was a terrible flash of light and a loud clap of thunder and the house darkened. No TV, no car (can’t get the garage door open), no phone (land line) and no lights.


Now there is a title that will touch the heart of any reader and I hope my story will touch your heart or give you a good laugh as it did me.


Amazing how that one little word “roots” contains implications of so much. I have done a bit of “root digging” and found out some interesting things.


Outside the club house at our condo is a large sheet of asphalt. It is a great parking space for those picking up their mail there. Beyond the road is a row of poplars…golden and glorious as always this fall. Some leaves have already been shed and the asphalt is sprinkled with them.