Patricia Schneider


I just burned four dozen cookies. I quickly dumped them in a plastic bag and hauled them to the garbage container outside. Oh yes, you can no longer see them but you can sure smell them.

The Lightness of Forgiveness

I’ve lost my stress list…you know that one that tells you how many points you get for each degree of stress.

But I knew I was well over the top…my computer had crashed, my TV receiver was not receiving and in making a point, with a friend, I had been a bit harsh and undiplomatic.

What Lights Up Your Life

The view out the living room window is the reason we bought the house. There is a winding road edged by large poplars and fir trees that leads out to the access avenue. Beyond all this is a view of the city, sitting in the lap of the surrounding hills and way beyond that a glimpse of snow covered mountains.

Winter or summer the view delights the eye.

But like life, there are always things that spoil what was perfect.


Finally, we couldn’t stand it any longer and we rapped on the door.

“Could we please pick some of your apricots?” we begged. “They are falling off the trees and we can’t stand seeing them go to waste.”

Lessons From a Friend

It was a bright and cheery morning and we were all collected around the table of a much loved acquaintance…we had been doing this each Saturday morning for years. My friend has Parkinson’s and we try each week to bring her a bit of the past and the present in our remembrances and our togetherness.

This Old House

Daughter Robin bought our old house when we decided to move. It certainly made things easier…I didn’t have to tidy it up constantly for prospective buyers, and I left packed up boxes everywhere. Then one day in September the movers arrived.