Patricia Schneider


Oh, the blessings of a church family! Harry stayed home, cuddled up in front of the fireplace but I went to church. It was so good to see everyone. I got so many warm hugs.

Seeking Comfort and Normalcy

The volunteers at the Cross Cancer Clinic gave me tea and cookies today while I was waiting for Harry. It made me weep. After so many years as a hospital volunteer, I was touched by having the roles reversed. It was a somewhat humbling experience.

Leaving Home

We have the yard nearly ready for winter and most everything packed for our trip. We got little information on this place where we are going to stay. I couldn’t get a unit number or a phone number. All this confusion just adds to the stress levels we are experiencing.

Of Surgery

Finally some definite news! Harry’s to get his three teeth extracted locally. His surgery is booked for July 3, so we’ll probably drive to Edmonton Sunday, pre-admission is Tuesday, and maybe on Monday we can make arrangements for accommodation when we are there for Harry’s radiation.