
Hidden Danger

We were having a wonderful time when she looked quizzically at me and said, “There is a grasshopper sitting right beside your ear on the back of your chair.” WOW!!! I was out of that chair like a shot.

Loving Lilies and the Lord

It is summer…I sit out on the deck enjoying the heat. No complaints from me. As a previous travel agent’s wife, I know that in months people will be paying thousands of dollars to sit in Florida, Arizona or Hawaii, to have a day like today.

Gracious Gifts from God

I visited my friend Anne recently. She is the one who is such a good cook and has a spotless kitchen. We talked about our school years and the things we loved best about those long ago days. She said she liked Chemistry. Ah, so that explains it.

Farming Failures

I have some photos of myself as a young girl, standing in the back garden. I liked the garden, there was always something to eat there…fresh peas, new carrots and raspberries.

An Upside Down World

Contrary to popular opinion, most of us spend our days looking down on things. From the first time our rounded, chubby limbs lifted us upright, we have viewed the world from this perspective. Sometimes there are advantages to reversing that process, even for a few minutes.

Aids to Better Living

Baby oil, to wipe down that dry, dry skin that comes with the passage of years, face moisturizer to keep the wrinkles at bay, deodorant to ensure I don’t offend anyone, mousse to mock the prairie winds, that can make me look like a witch without a broom…and I haven’t even got dressed yet.

A Different Kind of Job

Being a writer is not a career choice for the faint-hearted. There is a lot more to it than putting words on paper (or your computer screen). It takes courage to share what your ideas are and then there are all the extra crosses you have to bear…with computers there is help with spelling and grammar but I still recall that writing course I took years ago and the red comments at the top of my typewritten assignments…humbling, so humbling.


My computer tells me that Ingestion is “to take in and absorb.” The other day I read that someone had complained that a book was just full of words. Equally so, a church is just full of people or a grocery store is just full of food.

Breaking My Heart

Some years ago a rejected teenager complained to his mom about an ended relationship with his girlfriend. She answered “Why do you think there are all those sad love songs?” And yes, there are lots of sad love songs.

Kindness Counts

I tend to read the paper online and find it works for me and I no longer have to recycle all that paper. Today one of the articles mentioned a Golf Tournament being held in remembrance of an old friend from the past.


“Is that the boat we are taking to Europe?” I asked my husband. He glared at me. “It is a ship, not a boat,” I was informed. Regardless, it didn’t really matter for I was deadly sea-sick for seven days.


My father died when I was 15 years old. He had spent a good deal of his life away from our home as he worked on the C.P.R. After his retirement I had little time for him.

Counting the Years

Most of my associates these past few years have been widows. Long gone are the together times I had with Harry and probably didn’t appreciate near enough. But my glass is half-full (rather than half-empty) because of these wonderful ladies who keep in touch. They care and they understand.

Far Away Places

Ah yes, ”Far away places with their strange sounding names,” were a part of my life for 20 years. I think I have been to 26 places in the world. I wish I could remember accurately what I really saw. In checking my old photos, one beach looks very much like another. Yes, having a travel agency kept us on the move.


“Bereft”…isn’t that a lovely word? A bit old fashioned but sometimes the “old” words speak more plainly. And yes, I am bereft. My dear friend Mary is moving away.

Windows of the Soul

After our church renovations the congregation put in the very special glass-stained window that had been originally installed in the old church in 1940. It is of Jesus knocking at the door and is beautiful!