
Love Letters

I lifted the heavy, black binder from the box and set it on the table nearby. I hadn’t looked in it for years. It holds love letters…no not from my husband, they are in another place. These are love letters from my granddaughter.

Of Books and Memories

‘Of the making of many books, there is no end’, so states Ecclesiastes 12:2. And I am so glad there is no end, for as long as there are people there will always be stories and as long as there are stories there always will be books.

Running a Motel

When asked to take on the job, I could hardly stop from saying “Yes, please.” My husband was without work and our savings account was pretty low. Little did I realize that the job would take over my whole life.

Similar Christmas Stories

At church this week, our minister’s after-Christmas message, spoke of the young couple (Mary and Joseph) with their baby, fleeing the country and heading to Egypt. I had never given much thought to the courage this must have taken and the fear that invaded their world.

Signs in the Sky

My friend Paula is an expert on “end times” information. I am not an “end times” expert…and have not delved deeply into all the scriptural information on the subject as she has, so I listen but don’t let it worry me too much.

Gains and Losses

I have lost a good friend. Actually I have been losing her for years. When I finally questioned her she admitted I had said something many years ago that had upset her. Somehow, like yeast in dough, it had grown larger until it consumed what we had once had…a deep caring for each other. Then finally she said to me, “you’ve changed.”

Different Strokes for Different Folks

We lived in Germany from 1955 to 1958. Those were years I will never forget. It was a horrendous trip over with me constantly throwing up and the fog horn blowing continuously. Worse was the fact that I knew the trip was going to have to be repeated three years later on our return to Canada.


Little annoys me as much has having a great story idea in the middle of the night and being unable to recall it in the morning. Of course I could get up and write a few snatches of it at the time but the bed is warm and the room is cold.