
Get To Know Me

Reconciliation. A long word with many meanings. A word that leads to many interpretations for many of us. As a residential school survivor that has been scarred by my residential school experience, my interpretation of that word is simple.

Faith Walk

As I grew up, I turned away from anything that had to do with religion. The very word reminded me of residential school. Evening prayers and forced Sunday school attendance; I was having none of that in my life.

Turn the Other Cheek

Earlier that day I was at my doctor’s office for a regular appointment. While I was waiting there, I saw the security guard trying to physically remove two homeless people from the waiting room. This was early January and it was -30°C outside and there was an extreme windchill warning. Wanting to do something, I got up and took a picture of what was happening with my cellphone.

It Takes Faith

Joining the Healing and Reconciliation Committee couldn’t have come at a worse time for me. I was just starting the legal process for my residential school claim against the church.