
Thanking God with Intergrity

In Advent’s waiting days, the lectionary is full of the prophets and their strong callings to justice and peace. In their words, we hear God’s ancient promises of life and love, and we sit in solidarity with those who long. Because we, too, are longing for the light. This small book of prayers offers a balance between longing and celebration.

Notice the Verb

The Spouse thought I dodged the women bishops question last week, so I wondered aloud on facebook if I should write a mid-week rant. Many said yes, and many contributed their thoughtful two-bits, and I scribbled away, sorting through the mad, the sad, the confusion of church politics and biblical interpretation. I got a lot of words down. But then I didn’t feel like it anymore.

Birth in Strange Places

Thinking about performance, I came across Marni Kotak. She is a performance artist who tackles questions about the lines between life and art.

Late in October, in an art gallery in Brooklyn, she gave birth.