assembly council

Bearing Witness to Christ

The Assembly Council adopted a motion that asked the church to examine whether it is wise stewardship to support three colleges financially. I spoke in favour of the motion because I believe it is time to think about how our church can prepare its leaders more effectively and efficiently.

Challenging Questions

Many years ago, someone told me, “If you don’t want to hear the answer, don’t ask the question.” So, I would like to acknowledge two important instances where the Presbyterian Church has had the courage to ask the question, even if it is challenged by the answer.

Assembly Council Discusses Vision and Mission Statements

“A community rooted in Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, courageously embracing the gifts of God, to be a blessing in the world,” reads the vision statement that will come before the church’s highest court in June. The accompanying one-page mission statement includes a series of bullet points outlining what the church aims to do.

Budget Woes at Church Offices

A sharper-than-expected decline in Presbyterians Sharing income will result in the loss of up to five positions at the church’s national offices as well as a two-year salary cutback.

The budget called for Presbyterians Sharing to raise about $8.6 million in revenue for 2009, but indications are that only about $8.4 million will come in.

Stephen Roche, the church’s treasurer and chief financial officer, told staff at a meeting called to announce the reductions that there was no way to know if the drop in contributions was a result of the recession or whether contributions would recover.

Since 1999, Presbyterians Sharing revenue has ranged from $8.6 million to a high of $8.76 in 2006, but it has fallen short of budget expectations since 2003. In 2008, the budget shortfall was nearly $400,000.

The payroll cuts will come in the form of a one-week shutdown of the national office building in 2010 and 2011, during which time staff will be forced to take an unpaid leave. In addition, no cost of living allowances will be granted for the next two years.