
Monday, Monday

Beangirl will be seven at the end of the week. She had her party earlier in the month – trying to avoid the possibly hilarious party game of ‘count the contractions!’ – and it was lovely, sunny fun. We made felt finger puppets and DIY ziplock bag ice cream (google it – it may change your summer), and ate sticky strawberry meringues.

October – Crisp and Good

Midway through visitor month chez nous and feeling very blessed with all the people coming through my house. I do like full tables. It’s so hard to have a full table and not do dessert. A few nights ago, it was an apple and walnut cake, slathered in treacle frosting and topped with golden candles for our visiting six year old and for my Blue. My soon-to-be three-year-old Blue.

A Messy Life

As of today, I’ve been a mother for four years. If you count the birth of the child as the birth of the mother. My own mum counts up the ages of all of her offspring and calculates it out that way. Impressive when she does it; I’m just getting started.