
Imitating and Eating

This week’s lectionary work keeps pace with the words of John’s Gospel, walking slowly through chapter six from the feeding of the five thousand and through to the passages about the bread from heaven. Bread and more bread

Best thing since…

It felt like a complete win. We were in the grocery store and getting to that stage where we were a little desperate for something to eat. I have been known to pick up raisin scone to scarf on the way home. (The Spouse is classier by far and buys baguette.)

Baking Daily Bread

Monday morning and baking bread. I just got the loaves out of the pans and the house smells like home. But it was a bit of a wrestle.
I went to the garden centre this morning while the bread was finishing its rise, and came back with a great selection of seeds. So, as I was prepping the pans for the loaves, I was thinking ahead to my glorious summer garden. I buttered the sides of the pans as usual, and then forgot the bottoms.

Bread and Paper Flowers

I am writing this late on Saturday night, after a long day. It’s been a day of preparation, and lots of it. Up early to get some dough made, then kids to breakfast, and off grocery shopping early, hoping to avoid the crowds. Not too many bumps along the way, not too much extraneous chocolate in the shopping basket. All well.