
Fire and Water

Another weekend spent camping, so it is another Monday with the back yard full of drying gear and laundry on the line. This time, we were camping a little closer to home, and not far from the sea.

Coming Home

What a difference a decade has made! In 2004, Montreal West was facing closure. Today, Montreal West counts some 140 members and adherents, many of them English-speaking Cameroonians from nearby suburbs, who have made the congregation one of the fastest growing in the presbytery. What made the difference?

What I Learned at Camp

I learned that the teens who attended camp come back year after year and that most do not attend church on a regular basis and some never do. I heard that they like to come because this is the only place they learn about God.

A Depth of Talent

We changed the process of the Rayner Award this year. In past years, I have chosen a theme on which the participants have to write. This year, we asked the participants to convert one of their academic essays into an article.