
The Foreigners

Many months we swayed over sand and scrub. The camels got ticks; our bodies got blisters. Twice, bandits robbed us of coin and food, but the treasure under our saddles was well hidden, destined for the One we sought.

Building a Culture of Song

The well-documented and sad state of community singing is thrown into sharp relief during this most musical of seasons. Building a singing culture is the same as building a hockey culture, but without the gaps in the front teeth.

A Gift for Gretje

The wind, howling from the heights of the Rockies, lashed tiny snow tornados across the moon-silvered Depression-era prairie. Half a lifetime later, the young man staring into the night would be short and plump, with a fringe of snow-white hair crowning twinkling eyes and a merry smile seeking the next excuse to laugh; but in that frozen hell, laughter seemed ashes of some spiteful dream.

A Carol for Canadian Soldiers

The Linda Silver Trio, a jazz and blues band, was born at St. John’s, Kingston, Ont. when its three members met at a church-hosted talent night. This song was recorded in Kingston, Ont. in 2007, and was bound for Afghanistan to put the Christmas spirit in the hearts of soldiers who couldn’t be home for the holidays.