
A Bumpy Year

In my child’s world same-sex unions, families headed with same-sex partners, are commonplace. In her world this is not a debate.

Fallen or Graced

Why does a discussion of homosexuality tend inevitably to shift into a discussion of holiness versus sin, or wholeness versus brokenness?

Sharing Rejection

Photo - Matthew Hertel

When Andrew Faiz (Pop Christianity, May 2008) mentioned “a powerful letter … which spoke of the loneliness and pain a homosexual person felt within the church,” he touched a nerve for me.

I first came alive to the reality of homosexuality in my early 50s. I was then back at university as a mature student preparing to be a marriage and family therapist. One of my courses was on human sexuality and the professor spared us little as he introduced us to the variety and complexity of human behaviour. He brought three lesbians to address the class with their personal stories, in particular how they came to realize their sexual identity. As I listened, I experienced a jolt of identification as I realized: these people can no more help who they are than I can change the colour of my skin.