Katie Munnik


A confession of faith which brings about change. Up until this point, Peter has seen and heard many new things from Jesus. But returning home was possible, wasn’t it?

An All-Ages Easter

We are an Easter people. We need to show our children that Easter is important to adults. This is the biggest story of our year. If nothing else, we want kids to catch a glimpse of that. Easter matters to us. The Easter story is the joyful centre of who we are.


Here, we have everything. The healed and the witnesses. The doubters and the worriers. Tradition and threat, Sabbath rest and holy healing. Identity and history. All our worries, our concerns and pragmatisms trying to make sense of wonder and grace, all our fear. And at the centre, Jesus as the light of the world.

Dazzled, blinking and born again

Nicodemus is not used to standing in a place where reason fails. But this is a place where we all must stand at some point in our lives. In joy or in sorrow. In pain or abandon or grief or loneliness or moments of calling and clarity. Moments when we are blinded, unsure if we are standing in the darkness or in the light.