Leith Fisher

When did we see you?

I’m having a tricky time looking into this week’s readings. I’m still stuck at the end of last week – the wise and foolish bridesmaids, the waiting, the kairos moment of arrival. This past week, I’ve been in Germany for the wedding of a dear friend, so last week’s text inevitably resonates with me.

Learners on the Road

Jesus’ twelve named friends are students on the road. And aren’t we all?
Isn’t that a wonderful way to look at these lives we’ve been given? Sent-out and called to learn as we go.

Baking Daily Bread

Monday morning and baking bread. I just got the loaves out of the pans and the house smells like home. But it was a bit of a wrestle.
I went to the garden centre this morning while the bread was finishing its rise, and came back with a great selection of seeds. So, as I was prepping the pans for the loaves, I was thinking ahead to my glorious summer garden. I buttered the sides of the pans as usual, and then forgot the bottoms.

Lent begins with discipline

Lent begins and, with it, an emphasis on spiritual disciplines. The big ones: fasting, meditation, silence. And storytelling.
Because reading stories is a spiritual discipline, too. We don’t label it like that at bedtime, but it is.

Lent Reading – Matthew

Lent begins on February 22nd this year – close enough that we might start thinking about it and far enough away that planning is still possible. Last year, I gave you a list of Lent readings and an idea, but this year the plot is a little more straight forward.