The Messy Table

Dazzled, blinking and born again

Nicodemus is not used to standing in a place where reason fails. But this is a place where we all must stand at some point in our lives. In joy or in sorrow. In pain or abandon or grief or loneliness or moments of calling and clarity. Moments when we are blinded, unsure if we are standing in the darkness or in the light.

If anyone asks…

Jesus was used to questions by now. If anyone asks… He sounds like a parent here – assuming that there is going to be a question and trying to solve it before trouble rears its head. The story ends with him responding to the Pharisees, as if their demand was a question, though it palpably wasn’t.

Walking into the New Year

This Christmas, the Spouse and I very nearly swapped copies of the same book. Robert MacFarlane has recently published the third book in what he calls a “loose trilogy about landscape and the human heart,” and it seemed like a logical and lovely addition to our library.