
Thanking God with Intergrity

In Advent’s waiting days, the lectionary is full of the prophets and their strong callings to justice and peace. In their words, we hear God’s ancient promises of life and love, and we sit in solidarity with those who long. Because we, too, are longing for the light. This small book of prayers offers a balance between longing and celebration.

Baking Daily Bread

Monday morning and baking bread. I just got the loaves out of the pans and the house smells like home. But it was a bit of a wrestle.
I went to the garden centre this morning while the bread was finishing its rise, and came back with a great selection of seeds. So, as I was prepping the pans for the loaves, I was thinking ahead to my glorious summer garden. I buttered the sides of the pans as usual, and then forgot the bottoms.

Hear the Word of God

The challenge, the delight, of “doing radio” alone in a darkened studio is to make listeners of those who only hear. Dictionaries are a little ambiguous about my hair splitting, but when the reader proclaims: “Hear the word of God,” I think “listen to God’s word” might be more fruitful instruction.