
Sola Scriptura

A Parable: No one was certain why the Park family’s dog was at the baseball game, but Rover was there. Rover, deciding to live up to his name, took a walk and ended up in the outfield. Turmoil ensued.

Always Beginners

In the expanse of the cathedral in Meaux, France, we began our pilgrimage with a prayer by Keri K. Wehlander: “We are always Beginners. So, let us go with curiosity and with courage, with vision and vigour. Let us journey beyond these opening doors.”

Happy Reformation Day

Wednesday isn’t just Halloween. It’s Reformation Day, too. 495 years since Luther took his hammer to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenburg. I had a minister in Ottawa who thumbtacked the theses to our church door to celebrate. Quirky but good, I thought. So maybe this might be considered my own form of thumbtacking. Trick or treat…