
Deutsche Post

Here’s a word I’ve just learned—thankfully one so easy I didn’t even need a dictionary to parse it: Gutmensch. This word has been all over social media and news programs in the past six months.

Carrying Heartache and Hope

It’s hard to imagine anyone not wanting Canada to help out in the current worldwide refugee crisis. But despite the many positive responses I’ve heard about, including from the Christian community, I’ve also heard about some naysaying. So what’s going on?

Update from Serbia

These are a few shots around the township of Magyarkanizsa, Serbia, which as its name suggests has a large Hungarian population. Starting earlier this summer, thousands of people from Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Bangla Desh, Pakistan, arrived in this community.

A Place to Call Home

Their stories are varied. They come from different cultures and speak different languages. But they hold something in common: these former refugees now call Thunder Bay home. And it’s all thanks to a church that has been sponsoring and supporting them for more than two decades.