
Remembering Thanksgiving

I often find myself feeling over-committed, over-stressed and over-concerned. Usually, within a few weeks, my slow moving mind remembers that I cannot survive now, or at any other time, on my own strength and resources.

Just a Moment

Next Sunday, we’ll be sharing the story of Jesus and the ten lepers from Luke 17: 11-19. A nice set-up for Harvest Thanksgiving, this story takes us to the very core of our activity as people of faith. Because, as Don Postema wrote, God is the Giver and we are the thanks-givers.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today, I’m thankful for… Bright light. Isn’t October beautiful? The air is crisp and good, and the sky can be so bright. This is a snapshot of the sky over my church last week. When the sky lights up like this, it is easy to get your eyes off your feet and feel thankful.

The Stuff of Thanksgiving

October is visitors’ month in our new home. It’s happily inevitable when you move to a new place. Though, come to think of it, our summer was pretty full of visitors, too. And we rationalized that as being happily inevitable when you are moving away from an interesting place. Either way, I’m happy because it means that there will be more people around my table. That’s the stuff of thanksgiving for me.


A couple of months ago, I went to the baptism of a little boy named Isaac. He is the son of good friends of mine and the happy first born in their family. The baptism wasn’t in a Presbyterian church, so some of the liturgical furniture was a little different. But that was all to the good.