the messy table

Wanting Pudding Perhaps

When he said it, I wondered if it was just about food. It may have been. But the conversation seemed to deepen, and I think he was speaking about something else.
Blue and I were sitting on the bench in our garden. He said that he was having that feeling again.
That feeling?
Yes. The feeling of wanting something… but not knowing what.

Miracle Monday

It is a miracle story – and as such presents a few problems when we read it today. We’re not quite sure what to do with miracles. Embrace them? Avoid them? Dismiss them? Wonder if they are anachronistic expressions of… what?

A splash of red

This is the moment for the church newborn. A rush of wind, a loud sound, the feeling of fire, the joy of voices raised. Such a great image – but a strange one and absolutely lacking in our usual mainstream Sunday morning decorum. I love stories like this that shake us up.

Table talk

The Gospel of John is filled with amazing depictions of the intimacy between God the Father and Christ. It’s a textbook in how intimacy works and how close humanity and divinity can be. And then here, in the midst of the Farewell discourse, we find promise that this modelling doesn’t finish with the earthly life of Jesus. The Spirit – the Advocate – will be with the people to teach them and remind them.

Love Talk

Lectionary reading is a funny discipline. Sometimes on Monday morning, it feels like it’s all about one verse. The others verses circle to provide context, but one verse demands attention. But today, it’s two whole stories, see-sawing back and forth, and I’m finding the balance in the middle.

Easter Monday Revisited

Last week, my dad bought an Easter lily. We’ve been visiting my parents in Ottawa and the kids were quite taken with the idea of the lily when it arrived in the house. It came in all wrapped up in white paper and with purple cellophane inside. But when we took the wrapping off, there weren’t any flowers to see. Just green leaves and four or five big fat buds, but everything was green and, as Beangirl pointed out, it didn’t smell right. I told her it would – just not yet. We’d have to wait.