
Following the call of Christ to serve others as he has served, our ministry stretches into the community and the surrounding area, the country, and also the world.  Twice a year we support Mission Projects within Canada and around the world.  The first Sunday of each month is “Food Bank Sunday” where we are fortunate to be able to give an abundance of food products for those who need a helping hand.  Through special events/concerts we have been able to support:  Presbyterian World Service and Development (PWS&D), Hospice Renfrew, Renfrew Victoria Hospital, and other local initiatives improving the health and well-being of our residents and the area. 

Children remain an integral part of the congregation and are welcomed and included: in our worship services; to participate in Communion; by  leading the congregation in Christmas and Easter celebrations.  Our dedicated team of Christian educators help the children to understand our faith and how it applies to their daily life. 

Our choir also contributes immensely to our ministry at Renfrew Presbyterian Church.  Each week they rehearse to provide a ministry of music during our worship services as well as organizing and leading special concerts in support of community initiatives and church projects.  New members are always welcome!

We also have an active WMS (Women’s Missionary Society) which “…is a community of Christians whose purpose, in response to the love of God in Jesus Christ, is to encourage one another and all the people of the church to be involved in local and world mission through prayer, study, service, and fellowship.”  New members are always welcome to attend a meeting and to discover what WMS is all about.  If you are interested in joining the WMS, or wanting to know more, feel free to contact us!