Ministries/2021 Presbyterian Sharing

2021 Presbyterian Sharing Video Clip


Scottlea church participates in a variety of ministries that range from local to international concerns. An annual highlight are the meals we provide to students, to the homeless and to those with food insecurities. Many other experiences are shared with less fortunate members of our community, with seniors and for the benefit of those still seeking a closer relationship with God & God’s Church:


Out of the Cold – food and shelter program in partnership with other churches:  Scottlea serves the 4th Sunday of each month, from November through to and including March.

Community Care food donations are received every Sunday. Practical gifts such as soap, cream, feminine hygiene products and socks may also be included. Monetary donations are also appreciated.

Our membership also supports the following Presbyterian ministries: the Women’s Missionary Society, Camp Kintail, Kenora Fellowship Centre etc.  * Last Christmas our special offering envelope  again went to the missions and diverse work through the Presbyterian Church in Canada through Presbyterians Sharing.

Many individuals in our congregation support the Canadian Bible Society, Women’s Place, Wayside House, Jillian’s Place, Huron Feathers etc. with either donations or their time.

World Day of Prayer —  usually held the first Friday in March.

World Communion Sunday – held the first Sunday in October.

Children are welcome at  Communion at Scottlea.* A special offering for benevolent funds is taken up at EVERY Communion.

Next Communion Service:  to be determined. When communion is celebrated, it takes place during the regular worship hour, at 10:30 am.

Easter Sunday: As in the past, this special offering went to the various ministries of  Scottlea Church.  On other special ‘holy days’ (ie. Church holidays), we take up a special offering for the community or for one of the national Church’s missions.


We support International Ministries of the Presbyterian Church in Canada through Presbyterians Sharing (PS) and by responding to special appeals of the Women’s Missionary Society (Spring mission Sunday) and by the *local Presbytery.*

The women of the church continue to knit hats, scarves and mittens for those less fortunate in our community.