Beechwood News


Welcome to St Andrews Presbyterian Church Web Page.

Sunday Service  23 June 2014

Announcements Payment E-Transfer Tithes and Offerings at – Beechwood Vacation Bible School Vacation Bible School Meeting – July 4th at 6pm. ALL Volunteers welcome to attend this VBS Planning meeting. Anyone who is planning to volunteer at the event this summer, please plan to attend. We will be going over details of the week, and learning the Theme Song!

Beechwood Vacation Bible School will be held on July 16, 17 & 18th from 9 am – noon. We are very excited to be able to offer this to our church families and the community. We can take 25 – 30 children at this time, so registration is open to all Beechwood families. Registration is open to the greater community. Hard copies of the registration sheet are available at the church. We are in need of a few volunteers to help in the kitchen all three days. The snacks are donated so you would have to prepare and bring the snacks and drinks outside to the children. We are also in need of a few more snacks per day. A few group leaders are still needed to accompany the groups to the different areas. High school students would be great group leaders as well, and they can receive their volunteer hours helping at VBS. Also we will need empty paper towel rolls, so please start collecting. Thank you, VBS Team

Church Organ Fund The organ fundraiser is still open to receive donations. To date, $2,271.00 has been generously raised. Please submit donations in the collection plate or e-transfer to the church and indicate the donation is directed to the Organ Fund. Calendar Thurs. July 4 – Vacation Bible School Meeting 6 pm Wed. July 10 – A final planning meeting for the Gala Days Beef Barbecue will be held by Zoom at 6:30pm Sat. July 27 – Gala Days 150 Beef Dinner at ACRC

Payment E-Transfer

Tithes and Offerings at –

We need your financial help in our Mission Work to our Community and elseware.

Important Contact Information:

Clerk of Session: Brian Luscombe (519) 293-3899
Board of Managers: Peter deJong (519) 232-9047
Organists/Choir: Nancy & Ken McGregor (519) 232-4596
Bulletin Secretary Teresa Luscombe

Important Contact Information

Clerk of Session: Brian Luscombe (519) 293-3899

Board of Managers: Peter deJong (519) 232-9047 Organists/Choir: Nancy & Ken McGregor (519) 232-4596 Bulletin Secretary Teresa Luscombe luscbrian@exec

Address – 9906 Petty Street

All Welcome:


Ailsa Craig food bank is still needing our donations at the side door so ring the door bell , Tuesday thru Friday 10-5pm.

Our thanks for your food Donation.

St Andrews-beechwood  is south of Ailsa Craig, Ontario

Donations: to use e-Transfers:Chair Painting at Beechwood

To make a donation by eTransfer, email St. Andrew’s Beechwood at:

If you are a new member of the Beechwood Church and would like a tax receipt for any amount over $25.00, please include your address in the message with your eTransfer.  Thank

If you are new member of the Beechwood family and would like a tax receipt for any amount over $25.00, please include your address in the message with your eTransfer.  Thanks.

Services are ever Sunday Morning at 10:30AM 

Note: Beechwood has no telephone so please use the contact’s page for help!

God Bless!