The Presbyterian Church Heritage Centre ( Carlilse)


The Synod of Southwestern Ontario

The Synod Executive

ATTENTION: Mr. Ken Sheward, Moderator and Rev. Mark McLennan, Clerk

Dear Ken and Mark,

The Committee on History for The Presbyterian Church in Canada is pleased to announce the new Presbyterian Church Heritage Centre (PCHC), formerly The National Presbyterian Museum. The Presbyterian Church Heritage Centre Advisory Committee meet regularly and are under the trusteeship of The Presbyterian Church in Canada and under the umbrella of The Committee on History. We receive no funding from the national church, and will begin a three-year Campaign in the near future to raise funds over the next three years to compensate for the upcoming renovations and moving expenses with our new home. Our Campaign goal is $200,000.

PCHC will be located in Carlisle United Church (6 km east of Ailsa Craig, Ontario) in the Municipality of North Middlesex. The new Heritage Centre is located within the bounds of the Synod of Southwestern Ontario. Renovation work is beginning now, and we are hopeful to display and stage all artefacts, etc. in the church’s sanctuary space by early 2023. We remind the people of Carlisle United Church that their roots are Presbyterian, and they have been most gracious as we take over the upper level of their church.

We look forward to having a relationship with the Synod, and as well the many Presbyteries that surround us.  We send this letter today in hope that The Synod of Southwestern Ontario will make a special donation to PCHC in support of the renovations and expenses necessary to share in the heritage that PCHC will offer to our Presbyterian communities.

Thank you for your consideration, and we are grateful for the support you offer now, and as well in the future. We look forward to offering a place for future generations to learn from the past.

If you have any questions, we would be happy to answer them. It would be our pleasure to meet with you as well.


Yours in Christ’s service,


Marilyn Repchuck


Marilyn Repchuck, Chair

Presbyterian Church Heritage Centre


Marilyn Repchuck                            email:                      Ian L. Mason

Chair                                                   website:                                    Curator

National Canadian Presbyterian Church Museum:

Canadian National Presbyterian Church Museum in Toronto is moving to Carlilse, North Middlesex County, Ontario, Canada in 2021.

The church in Carlilse was started 1859 as a Presbyterian Church of Canada and joined the United Church in Canada in 1925. The United Church members continue to meet in the basement.

Construction is started to receive the Museum’s artifact’s at a later date i n 2021

Run by Ian Mason and Marilyn Repchuck with Carlilse contact Doug Carmichael.

This is exciting news that Carlisle in North Middlesex will receive this honour.

Please check out the web page and to help raise funds for this Canadian Heritage project.

email address:

web page: National Presbyterian Museum