
Organchoir final

Annual Report St. Andrew’s Choir 2015

The St. Andrew’s choir has continued to serve our church family faithfully by sharing beautiful and uplifting music throughout the year. Of note are the emotional Maundy Thursday and Easter services, the combined choir performances at the anniversary services here in Carleton Place and in Almonte, and the Advent and Christmas Eve services. It was encouraging to see that the Maundy Thursday service was well attended by members from both the Carleton Place and Almonte congregations, and from the general public, and that our Christmas Eve service was very well attended, despite being held at an earlier time. We have not seen numbers like that for quite some time.
The Swing Into Spring concert was certainly well represented by choir members, as our very own Pat Labron and Stan Hastie performed, as well as organist Ian Guenette, who was a supply organist here at St. Andrew’s and also a choir member for some time. The three of them joined The Bells of St. Paul’s bell ringers from Perth in presenting a wonderfully entertaining afternoon of music.
Ian is certainly going places, as he was successful in joining the music program at McGill University in Montreal. We were pleasantly surprised to have him join our numbers again at the Christmas Eve service, where he helped us with singing and also playing his organ rendition of “O Holy Night”. He has promised that he will join us whenever he can, when home from university. We look forward to it.
We were sad to lose Laurie Buchanan and Sharon and George Way as choir members this fall, as they have moved to new homes outside of the Carleton Place area. We wish them well in their new homes and church families. Although we are fewer in numbers lately, the choir continues to perform beautiful music each and every Sunday – they are such a talented bunch! We are always looking for new blood. Please contact the organist/choir director Susan McCuan-Harron at 253-2399 if you or someone you know would like to help us out. No tryouts are required – just a love of music. A good time is had by all at our Thursday night rehearsals.

Susan McCuan-Harron