W. M. S.

W.M.S. Report For The Year 2015

The Women’s Missionary Society of St. Andrew’s meets the second Tuesday of each month at 1 pm at 105 Elizabeth Street in the common room. Meetings begin with the Mission Statement and the roll call. The study is done from the booklets provided by Head office in Toronto, or from the Presbyterian Record, Glad Tidings, or other scripture material. This year funds were raised to support Maternal and Child Health in Malawi and Canada’s First Nation Peoples. Refreshments and fellowship follow. As well as our monthly meetings the WMS attends the Presbyterial and Synodical meetings to meet with fellow WMS ladies to stay aware of what the Presbyterian Church is doing in Canada and worldwide. Five members subscribe to Glad Tidings. There were no deaths for the In Memoriam 2015.
• In February, St. Andrew’s joined other WMS groups at the Annual Meeting of the Lanark-Renfrew Presbyterial in Arnprior.
• The WMS participated in the World Day of Prayer on March 6, 2015 at St. James Anglican Church.
• In late March the WMS ladies attended the Annual Synodical meeting in Ingleside for all WMS Presbyterials in Eastern Ontario and Quebec.
• Mission Awareness Sunday, led by Rev. Barry Carr, was held on April 26, with the offering sent to Toronto to support WMS mission work.
• In May the WMS asked the church to forward $1000 of the church’s mission money to PWS&D to assist the survivors of the Nepal earthquakes.
• In June the WMS groups met in Renfrew for the June Rally.
• In September the Synodical met in Kemptville. Pat Grainger spoke on Malawi and Dr. Paul and Mary Beth McLean told of translating the Bible into the Hakka language.
• In October Carleton Place attended the Presbyterial meeting in Almonte where Carole Tanney spoke about the life of a woman in Ghana.
• In November the WMS packed ten shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. A $500 WMS GIC was cashed and put with the remainder of the money in the church mission account so that $1000 was sent to Almonte to assist APC with the sponsorship of a Syrian refugee family.
• In December the WMS and Church Women held a joint Christmas potluck at Elizabeth Court.
The WMS provides the Daily Bread booklets and supports the Leprosy Fund. The WMS assisted the Syrian Refugee Fund and the Earthquake survivors in Nepal. The remainder of our money was sent to head office for WMS mission work.
Vivian Young