Women’s Group

St. Andrew’s Church Women 2015

The goal of the Church Women is to raise money to help support the church. This is done by serving meals or refreshments at dinners and receptions and by holding concerts, the Craft Fair, and Christmas Bazaar. Every woman in the church congregation is a church woman and is invited to participate in every C.W. meeting and gathering. The Church Women meet at 2 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month in the Common Room at 105 Elizabeth Street.

In April the Church Women held a concert featuring the Perth Bell Ringers, organist Ian Guenette, and vocalists Pat Labron and Stan Hastie. They also held a ‘Spring into Summer’ dinner which raised $500 towards the cost of the new roof.

In July they catered Joan McDiarmid’s 85th birthday party. To show her appreciation, Joan donated $2,000 to the Roof Fund. In early fall the C.W. had a church kitchen sorting and cleaning bee.

In September the C.W. catered to the Lanark-Renfrew Presbytery Luncheon.

In November the annual Bazaar, Crafters, and Silent Auction netted a profit of $2,300.

Also in November, the Aspinall funeral was catered and the Scots Supper was held.

In December the Church Women catered to the Holstein Breeders’ Group. An enjoyable joint Christmas Potluck with the WMS was held on December 8th with the offering of $60 donated to the local Food Bank. As well, the C.W. donated $400 to the Christmas Basket fund and looked after Christmas bonuses for the church staff. During the year the friendship secretary sent cards to the ill and shut-ins.

This coming February the C.W. have been asked to cater to a 90th birthday luncheon and in the spring the C.W. is considering having a ‘Yard Sale’ on a Saturday morning in the church parking lot.
Special thanks to all the ladies who planned, prepared and served dinners throughout the year, or helped in any way. These efforts allowed the church to be significantly supported in 2015.

Sandy Lowry