Worship and Nurture & Life and Mission

Worship And Nurture & Life And Mission 2015

The aim of the Worship & Nurture (W&N) Committee is to strengthen the spiritual life of God’s people working with the minister, the choir, the nursery and the Sunday school teachers. The aim of the Life and Mission Committee (L&M) is to promote an active life within our church congregation, as well as, taking an active roll in mission work in our community. Worship & Nurture and Life & Mission met as one group during 2015.

Throughout the year the following was accomplished:

• The Sunday School teachers are assigned a month or two during the year to teach Sunday School. Grete Halsall again supplied Sunday School lesson plans called Sermons 4 Kids via the Internet. These plans follow the Christian Calendar of worship. The teachers are able to pair this program with our beautiful flannel board stories thus promoting hands on experiences and better understanding. Coffee time was prepared by a number of very dedicated persons every Sunday and was enjoyed by many congregation members.
• Steve Impey had to work hard to keep our sign out front up to date with the many events held this year.
• During our holiest of months a large cross was placed in the church to provide us with some realism regarding our Lord’s death on the cross.
• A few members of the congregation were able to gather together at Wheeler’s Pancake house on April 19th to share brunch together.
• Carnations were given to the ladies on Mother’s Day and treats were passed out to the men on Father’s Day.
• An amazing concert featuring Ian Guenette, the Bells of St. Paul’s, Pat Labron and Stan Hastie was a great success.
• Life & Missions is helping to get a new program called Planned Act of Christian Kindness or PACK underway. The congregation planned and carried out three acts of Christian kindness this year which included cold drinks on Aug.1st, packets of crocuses at Thanksgiving and hot chocolate and cookies during the Santa Claus Parade Nov.29th. Two more Acts of Christian Kindness are planned with one for early in 2016 and another in the spring. We hope everyone will get involved in these acts of Christian Kindness.
• Lamb’s Down provided an opportunity once more this year for us to meet members of our community while we provided them with lunch and face painting for children. We realized a profit of approx. $250.00 .
• During July St. Andrew’s and Almonte Presbyterian Churches enjoyed worshipping together in the outdoors and picnicking together following the service.
• August 1st saw us again out meeting our community. This time, we were on the front lawn of the church enjoying a wonderful selection of music including gospel songs by Pat Labron and Stan Hastie.As well, we handed out water, lemonade and freezies on this very hot day to many very thankful community members.
• Reverse Offering for the Food Bank is working well and on our Thanksgiving service alone we received 128 lbs of foods and $110.00 in cash donations.
• Our Banner was completed with the crest which was created by a student at Carleton Place High School and we proudly have it at the front of the sanctuary for all to see. We will display our banner whenever we are out in the community so that people will recognize us. The crest will be added to our letter head as well.
• St. Andrew’s again joined Almonte for their anniversary service this November with our choirs joining together and providing the congregation with beautiful spiritual music.
• Remembrance Day was observed on November 8th and we were pleased to have some members of the Carleton Place Canadian Legion take part in our service.
• Operation Christmas Shoebox (Samaritan’s Purse) was a great success this year. The WMS purchased enough to pack 10 boxes and congregation members packed another 22 boxes. With our prayers for safe arrival to the many children around the world the boxes were shipped off Nov. 22nd.
• Hot chocolate and cookies were given out during the Santa Claus Parade Nov.29th.
• By Nov.30th, the first Sunday of Advent, the sanctuary was all dressed up for Christmas. Thank you to everyone who helped.
• On Dec. 20th the Sunday School again presented a moving dramatization of the First Christmas and a potluck brunch followed the service. Thank you to all the children for making this a special event. Also, many thanks to all those who helped with this program.

What a wonderful year it was!

Margaret Greer
