Upcoming Events/News

St Andrew’s Cobden – News


Spaghetti Dinner Friday, April 18, 2024 from 5 p.m. – 7 p.m.


Trivia Night, Friday, April 19, 2024 at 8 p.m.


Summer  2023 – Worship in the Park.

Each Sunday, during the Summer, on weather friendly days, we have Worship in Park.

Dale and Ryan Yuke share special music week one of Worship in the Park.

Murray Olmstead and Dennis Nieman share special music during Week 2.

Drew Vereyken provided special music, Week 3, and Rev. Patricia Van Gelder was the worship leader.

Week 4 – Glen, Liz, Yvonne and Willard offered special music.

Week 5 – Lawrie Barton and Simon Tunley shared in special music.

Canadian Military Wives Choir Visits St Andrew’s, Cobden

On the First Sunday of Advent, November 27, the Canadian Military Wives Choir -Petawawa worshipped with St Andrew’s Cobden.

A Special Service of Song

On Sunday, October 23, we welcomed Frank and Chanda (Gibson) Leahy and family.  They are an inspired musical family, who lovingly shared their talents with us.


Thanksgiving Anniversaries

On Thanksgiving Sunday, two couples in attendance at worship on Sunday, October 9,2022, were marking Wedding Anniversaries on that day.  Rev Milton and Jeannette were celebrating 29 years married and Judy and Dennis were celebrating 51 years married.  The congregation wished congratulations to all.

Muffins for Missions – Presbyterians Sharing Sunday, September 25, 2022.  ($455 was raised)

Presbytery of Lanark and Renfrew met at St. Andrew’s Arnprior for their first in person meeting since 2020, on September 20,2022.  It was good to meet in person, for worship,  business,  lunch and fellowship.

Worship in Park 2022 – during Summer 2022 St Andrew’s Presbyterian and Grace united shared the worship in the park.

St Andrew’s latest Newsletter

Click on the Link below to open the St Andrew’s Summer Newsletter


Retirement Celebration for Reverend Patricia Van Gelder

You are invited to the  Retirement  Celebration  for Reverend Patricia Van Gelder                                                     from   St Andrew’sPresbyterian Church, Cobden.

Sunday, July 17, 2022.   Open House from 2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. at the Cobden Agricultural Hall,                           43 Astrolabe Rd, Cobden.    Air Conditioned, Accessible entrance and washrooms.

Everyone Welcome!     Special Music.

No gifts please.   Your presence is gift enough.

Questions contact: Lorraine Hamilton, by email blhamilton@hotmail.ca

St Andrew’s Cobden 100 Boxes of Cereal Challenge

During the month of June 2022, the Congregation of St Andrew’s Church rose to the challenge to collect 107 Boxes of Cereal for the Cobden Food Bank.

Father’s Day 2022

The men of the congregation were treated with a M & M Bow Tie on Father’s Day.

St Andrew’s Cobden, Worship Committee met on May 9, 2022

The Worship Committee Members are Liz Cobb, Rev. Milton Fraser, Drew Vereyken, Chelsey Blair.  Missing was Janet Smaglinski.

Mother’s Day 2022

Members of the congregation brought photos of their Mothers to display in the service.

Drew Vereyken serves as Church Pianist


On Sunday, April 3, 2022, Drew Vereyken began to serve as Church Pianist. The congregation is appreciative of his willingness to share his gift of music with the congregation.


Rev. Milton A Fraser appointed as Stated Supply



On April 1st, Rev. Milton A Fraser was appointed as Stated Supply as St. Andrew’s (Cobden) Presbyterian Church, for a year by the Presbytery of Lanark and Renfrew.  Rev. Milton was welcomed to St Andrew’s with his wife, Jeannette, and son, Kyle and daughter Hannah, on his first Sunday of leading worship, Sunday, April 3, 2022.

Chrystal Hawkins retires as Church Musician

How do we properly thank our organist/pianist who’s retiring after 41 years?!
We can’t thank Chrystal Hawkins enough for her many years of leading us in music.   We wish her good health, more time to spend with her family, and may Chrystal & Mel know how much we value & appreciate all they have done for St. Andrew’s. May you feel God’s blessings in every thing & place He leads you. Thank you Chrystal!


March 27, 2022

The Reverend Patricia Van Gelder retires as Minister of St. Andrew’s, Cobden.

The Congregation of St Andrew’s wished Rev Patricia God’s great blessings as she“officially” began retirement on March 1, 2022. All we can say is thank you!  All that Rev. Patricia has  given & done for the congregation and the community these past 28 years is very much appreciated.  She is loved and will be missed.
Rev. Patricia is photographed with the Session of St. Andrew’s, Cobden.
Our Current Session/Elders;
Top Row (L-R) Rick Olmstead, Elizabeth Cobb, Chelsey Blair & Norman McBride.
Middle (L-R) Heather Blair, Bobbie Robertson & Debbi McLaughlin.
Bottom (L-R) Lorraine Hamilton, Rev. Pat & Daryl McLaughlin.
Absent; Lawrie Barton & Joan Wasmund
February 28, 2022