This Week’s Worship

Photo by Chris Burgett on Unsplash

When John finished writing his version of Jesus story, we’re left with a personal insight into how he must have approached his work. He says “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” Clearly, John had a sense of wonder at what Jesus had accomplished. But John also recorded Jesus’ interaction with Peter, in which the Disciple received his personal walking order. Sure, Jesus had done many amazing things, but John also describes how Jesus got other folks into the act. The man that left John in wonder knew that it wasn’t up to Him alone to get God’s work done. Other folks had to pitch in, folks like Peter, who was called to serve others as Jesus himself had served them.
John’s endis Gospel with “Works And Wonders”, and invites us to be a part of Jesus’ amazing story.

John 21:15-25