Board of Managers

*The Board of Managers* (Lead by Don Lockhart and Bob Surgenor) 


The membership of the Board of Managers will be elected by the congregation at the Annual Congregational Meeting (3 year term, renewable once).

     ii.The Session shall appoint one of its currently active members to the Board of Managers to ‘sit and correspond’ (having the right to speak, but not to vote).


  i.        To ensure timely repairs and ongoing maintenance of the church building and property.

  ii.        To prepare a draft version of the annual congregational budget in consultation with the Session.

iii.        To keep the Session fully informed about the financial status of the congregation through monthly summary reports for session meetings or full financial reports for Session when requested.

 iv.        To prepare and present financial reports related to Investments to the congregation for consideration, discussion and decision; and to carry out the instructions of the congregation related to these investments.

                           Team Members: , Don Lockhart, Robert Surgenor, Paul Koster, Andrea Smith, Michael Snively,  treasurer (ex-officio)