Take a look

Take a look at our wonderful church!”

Our welcoming front entrance
The front entrance as you enter
The front entrance viewed from the Sanctuary
The Sanctuary
The Communion Table
Musician’s view of our grand piano
Congregation’s view of the piano
The Sanctuary and Rose window as seen from the worship space

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View of the Sanctuary from the rear church lobby
The rear lobby as you enter from the Santuary
Main floor elevator access
Photo gallery of previous and serving Ministers
Rear lobby looking towards the Sanctuary
Church office
Pastor John’s office
Pastor John’s office and library

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Heading down to the street level entrance
Street level elevator access
View from rear street level entrance up to the rear lobby
Caring Closet offerings
More Caring Closet offerings
Another view of our Caring Closet offerings
Our Fellowship hall
Fellowship Hall kitchen view

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Rear street level entrance
Lower level elevator access
Kitchen viewed from the Fellowship hall
Inside the kitchen

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