
 Our Mission

Gathering as a Family.  Worshipping God.  Serving our Community .

Our Vision

To the Glory of God we strive to maintain a vibrant environment where ALL feel welcome, support each other, and continuously work together to serve the needs of others.

By following this vision, we are, and strive to continue being a family of Christians made up of people of all ages and backgrounds, working together to serve our local community and beyond.

St. Andrew’s Leadership Team

OUR MINISTER: Reverend Stephen Mutavdzjia


OUR ELDERS: Laura-Lee Campbell, Heather Coutts, Jim Coutts, Dianne Knibbs, Mary Ellen Miller (Clerk of Session), Mary Wall, Pat White, Loren Clough.

Land Acknowledgement

Land Acknowledgement Plaque at the front of the church.

Our land acknowledgement plaque was erected on 6 October 2019 to show our commitment to fair and equal treatment of our neighbours in the Canadian Indigenous community.

Our History


Rooted in the Scottish Presbyterian tradition, this congregation began as a mission to Scottish farmers in the 1860’s.  It was through the faith and stewardship of those Scottish farmers that our first church building was constructed in 1869.

If you would like to know more about the history of this church and the surrounding area, there are a couple of small booklets available, for you to read at your leisure, by clicking on the following link:


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St. Andrew’s also has some very recent history that is worth mentioning. Just over two years ago, on July 1, 2018, we welcomed the congregation of Burns Presbyterian Church to our congregation, as our two congregations became officially amalgamated into one. That was the happy conclusion of a relatively lengthy and challenging amalgamation process which started in the summer of 2017 when Pastor James Knott of Burns approached Reverend Stephen Mutavdzija of  St. Andrew’s about the possibility of amalgamating the two churches.

It was a bitter sweet victory. The Burns church building is beautiful building, and so it was hard to leave behind. However, due to the continued hard work behind the scenes, the story does not end there. Soon after our happy “marriage”, another church – Erin Village Alliance Church came in need of a place to hold their worship services. Beginning with just rental of the building, by March 2020 the Burns Presbyterian church building was sold to Erin Village Alliance Church.

In parallel with the ongoing negotiations and arrangements to sell the Burns church building, the process of designating the church as an official heritage site started in the fall of 2018, and all of the necessary paperwork was completed late in the fall of 2019. Soon after that in March 2020, the Town of Erin approved the historical designation of Burns Church. 

So in March 2020 we could all celebrate what became a truly “Hallelujah” moment. Congratulations goes to all of the past Burns Presbyterian Church congregation, and especially to those who worked so hard to make the sale of the building and it’s official designation happen. Please note that more details are available if you are interested.