Getting Involved

To be a part of a community of faith means getting invested in the life of that community.  At St. Andrew’s we strive to be a community that includes not only worship, but learning and service to those in need as well.  That’s one reason we encourage a variety of small groups, so that as many of us as possible has the opportunity to find a group or groups that we feel comfortable in to nurture our souls for a life of faith.

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Active Groups

    • Bible Study – Janice Maginess
    • Hospitality Teams – Dianne Knibbs & Donna Dolson, Mary Ellen Miller & Cricket Yule
    • Youth Group (Grade 4 -8 students)
    • Youth Group (Secondary School students)
    • Book Club – Janice Maginess
    • Young at Heart (YAH) – Luncheon Group, Chricket Yule
    • Quilting
    • Knitting – Janice Maginess
    • Hiking – Meg Boulton


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    • Worship choir – lead by Natalie Leitch, typically practices are weekly on Thursday at 7:30 pm. Due to COVID-19, the choir is not singing, and hence practices have been put “ON HOLD” until further notice.
    • Senior bell choir – led by Mary Wall, this group doesn’t actually sing, but they plays tunes using musical bells (see photo). Practices are typically on Thursdays at 6:30 pm, but like the worship choir, all bell choir activity is “ON HOLD” until further notice.
    • Junior bell choir – led by Dianne Knibbs, same as the senior bell choir, but adapted for small children.

Volunteering Opportunities

Please see the list below, but please be aware that unfortunately, due to COVID-19, these opportunities are “waiting for a chance” to be re-activated.

    • Coffee Time:  Preparing and serving our fabulous coffee
    • Sunday School:  Teaching or helping 
    • Nursery: look after infants during worship service
    • Greeters:  Welcome everyone to our Sunday Service
    • Offering: Collect the offering during the service
    • Youth Groups: Leaders and helpers
    • Special Events:  Such as our famous Strawberry Supper – Cooks, Servers, Clean-up crews 

Active Committees

    • Worship
    • Mission & Outreach
    • Indigenous Relations
    • Session