March 6 Announcements

Please join us after the service  for coffee and conversation in Wenino Hall.   

 (Out of an abundance of care, you must be double vaccinated to attend)


This Week:
Tuesday March 8: WMS meeting at 1.30 P.M. in the Ladies Parlour.  Membership dues of $8.00 per person will be accepted.
Wednesday March 9: 1:00 p.m. Worship & Music (Choir Rm.)

St. Andrew’s Online Daily Prayer for Lent
From Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, you’ll receive a daily email with a link to an audio devotional prayer with Rev. Emily. Each devotional recording is about eight minutes in length, and includes Scripture readings from the psalms and gospels, and prayers for the world and our community. If you aren’t subscribed to our email list and would like to be, please email Rev. Emily and she will add you (

The Mission envelopes from February 6 were designated to go to PWS&D, “A Classroom for every Child”, we are pleased to let you know that $887.00 was donated.  Thank you to everyone who gave.