June 19 Announcements

Important Reminder!
Member’s ballots for nomination of new elders,
must be in by Sunday, June 26, 2022

Welcome to St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church!

A bit of useful information for you as a visitor:

  • There is a nursery available for parents, babies and young children to use as needed, located through north-side door at the front of the sanctuary
  • For school age children, “Praise Packs” with quiet toys and drawing materials are available as you come into the church. Ask a Greeter and they would be glad to assist you. Sunday School will resume in September.
  • There are several locations of washrooms available: two off the corridor through the south-side door at the front of the sanctuary, and an accessible washroom located down the hall from the nursery.
  • If you would like to support St. Andrew’s, the offering plates are located at both entrances as you come in.  There are Visitor envelopes for you at both locations. To donate online, visit our website pccweb.ca/standrews-sarnia and click on “Donate Now.”
  • Refreshments and Conversation happen after the Worship Service in Wenino Hall. Follow the crowd through the north-side door at the front of the sanctuary and turn left. 

Want more information?

Find out more about our ministries and what current events are happening by checking us out online at:  pccweb.ca/standrews-sarnia
Connect with us on Facebook & YouTube
To contact us beyond Sunday services:  sapc.sarnia@bellnet.ca