October 30 Announcements

1 Peter 4:10 “Each of you has received a gift to use to serve others.
Be good servants of God’s various gifts of grace.

Coffee hosts are needed for the month of November, if you are able to help, please sign the sheet in Wenino Hall.

Plans are in the works to make shortbread cookies to be sold.  If you are able to help make cookies, please contact Irva Forest @519-542-6662 OR the Church Office @ 519-332-2662

Another round of turkey pies are going to be made.  If you are able to help on Thursday, November 17, please contact Sharon Emmett @519-337-9845 or Irva Forest @519-542-6662

The Christmas Season will soon be upon us and five Ushers are needed for the Christmas Carol Sing, December 11th.  Also, ushers will be needed for the Christmas Eve Service.  If you are able to help for either of these evenings, please contact the Church Office @ 519-332-2662