October 20 Announcements

Upcoming Events

Saturday, October 28 – Fall Bazaar and Vendor Sale
Wednesday, November 1 – Community Lunch
Sunday, November 12 – Remembrance Sunday
Sunday, November 19 – St. Andrew’s Anniversary

Fall Bazaar and Vendor Sale
Please bring all prepared frozen foods to the church by Friday afternoon.  If you need more containers, please see Sharon Emmett or Rex Hillman.  Donations of books, puzzles and games are welcome for the Bazaar book table.
Crafters from the congregation are welcome to sell their work as part of the Vendor Sale at the Bazaar. Please contact Mary Strong, 519-466-2657 for more information and to rent a table.

Please join us after worship today for coffee and conversation.
Coffee Servers are needed for November.  If you are able to help, please sign the sheet in Wenino Hall.