November 27 Announcements

YOU HAVE MAIL!  The 2023 envelopes are in your Church mailbox.  Please be sure and pick them up.
Shepherd’s Pie, made by St.Andrew’s own chefs, Noel & Fred, are available for sale.  Small $7. Large $10. Please speak to either of them after church if you are interested or call the church office.
Orders are now being taken for SHORTBREAD COOKIES.  Please contact Sandra St.Germain @ 519-336-9404
The new Daily Bread Devotionals are now available, they are located at each entrance if you wish you.

During this season of Advent, we’ll hear afresh the familiar names and stories of the coming of Christ at Christmas. Often, we approach Advent as a time of waiting and preparation: waiting for Christ to come again, by remembering how he first came among us; and preparing ourselves to receive Jesus into our hearts and, someday, into our world once more. It’s the story of how Jesus came into the world to change the world, a story that the familiar characters of Christmas are each invited to participate in, in their own unique way. This unending song of invitation echoes across the centuries, inviting all people to know the love, hope, and salvation offered by Jesus. But in Romans 10, we are asked to consider how people will be able to hear that song and believe, unless they have been invited. We received that invitation ourselves, and we RSVP’d with faith. We are also called to be God’s great invitation to all the people and in all the places we will be this season.