October 1 Announcements

Upcoming Events:
Sun Oct 8       Thanksgiving Sunday
Tues Oct 10    Pathways Group (Kitchen)
1:30 PM WMS (Choir Rm)
Wed Oct 11    10:00-11:00 AM Pathways Meal pick-up
7:00 PM Session (Board Rm)
Thur Oct 12   10:30 AM & 7:30 PM – Book Study (Choir Rm)

Scripture & Announcement Readers are needed for October 22 & 29.  If you are able to help, please sign the sheet on the office door, or call the office @ 519-332-2662.  Thank You.
Today, we will be celebrating the sacrament of Holy Communion.  The cream envelope donations will be used to further the work of the church.
Bazaar volunteers are needed to run the Book Table.  If you are able to help out, please call he office.  If you are interested in donating any books to the Bazaar, any donations would be appreciated.