Mission and Outreach

Responding in love and service to the needs of others is how we reflect the love of Jesus Christ in the church, our community, and the world. It’s also an essential part of how we grow in faith and in relationship with God and each other as Christians. Mission and outreach are a central part of life and worship at St. Andrew’s. We reach out to help others locally, nationally and internationally.


Inn of the Good Shepherd:  The Inn provides services to those in need of food, shelter, clothing and other assistance. Our three teams of volunteers serve lunch at the Inn six times every year, and St. Andrew’s regularly collects donations of non-perishable food items for the Inn’s work. For more information or to get involved, contact the church office or speak with Sharon Emmett or Rex Hillman. To help out next time we serve lunch, check out the Mission & Outreach board in Wenino Hall.

Through community meals, fundraisers and other events, we partner with and support the work of Pathways Health Centre for Children, Women’s Interval Home, Canadian Mental Health in Sarnia, and the Huron Boy’s Home.

 White Gift Sundays & Mitten Tree
Each year for the first weeks of December, the Mission team collects donated gift items for children, as well as non-perishable food items, scarves, socks and mittens. All items are donated in turn to the Inn of the Good Shepherd and the Salvation Army.

St. Andrew’s Community Lunch
On the first and third Wednesdays of most months, St. Andrew’s is delighted to welcome the community into Wenino Hall for a hot lunch and social time. Our Facebook page has up-to-date information on dates and menus.


We support Presbyterians Sharing, a nationally-administered church fund that supports the mission and ministries of Presbyterian Christians in Canada.
Presbyterians Sharing encompasses a wide range of ministries, such as encouraging and equipping congregational renewal and development, supporting inner city and urban missions, helping refugees settle in Canada, advocating for justice and human rights, and walking with Indigenous people on the journey toward reconciliation.


Presbyterian World Service & Development is the development and relief agency of The Presbyterian Church in Canada. For over 65 years, our church has been actively working to serve marginalized and vulnerable people around the world, expressing our shared commitment to living Christ’s message of love through justice, poverty reduction and support in times of disaster.

St. Andrew’s Mission Team supports specific projects within PWS&D’s portfolio, such as the long-running and now complete Malawi Water Project. We are currently supporting PWS&D’s A Classroom for Every Child initiative, where they are improving access to education for children in developing countries, with a special focus on girl’s education.

Our Mission Team members are: Sharon Emmett (chair), Sandy Warnica, Holli Griffith, Mary Flick, Patti Bellemare, Rex Hillman, Mary Strong and Noel Dundee. If you’d like to get involved, please contact the church office or speak with any team member.