Our Minister and Staff

The Reverend Dr. Emily Webb

I was called to be the minister at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in the summer of 2019 and inducted in September. My doctorate is from Western University, where I specialized in anthropology and archaeological science, and I have a Master of Divinity degree from Knox College.

Before being called to ministry, I worked as an archaeologist. I studied mummies from Peru and the lifeways of prehistoric communities in western Europe, and I taught and mentored undergraduate and graduate students at universities in Canada and in the UK. Although I enjoyed my adventures as an archaeologist, I wholeheartedly and gratefully embrace the call to ministry that God has given me. In my spare time, I read widely, both non-fiction and fiction, and I also love being surrounded by green and growing things, whether it’s plants on a window sill or walking in the park.

I am truly excited about coming to St. Andrew’s and to Sarnia, and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us in the future!.

St. Andrew’s Staff Members:

Dr. Wayne Carroll, Interim Director of Music
Fred Maxim, Treasurer
Lesley Arseneault, Administrative Assistant
Paul Caravan and Erica Paradis, Custodians
Bob Cook, TV Ministry Coordinator