Worship Services and Events Cancelled until after April 5, 2020

In order to protect our community and to slow the spread of covid-19, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church has decided to temporarily cease holding worship services until April 5, 2020. All events and community gatherings are postponed or cancelled until after that date. Our Easter Cantata, “King of Glory,” has also been cancelled.

We are exploring options for staying in touch with one another, and for worshipping together online or on TV. Expect a call from your elder to check in with you, keep an eye on our website and Facebook page, and email sapc.communications@gmail.com to be included on our subscriber’s list. The church’s voicemail will be checked regularly, so please do let us know how you’re doing.

This situation is only temporary. It’s my hope that by joining with other community organizations and churches in acting swiftly now, we’ll be back together again in time for Palm Sunday. Call each other on the phone, pray for one another, and stay safe! You and your families are all in my prayers.

Rev. Emily