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January 13 Announcements

Please welcome our guest musician, Kathy Gillard at our worship service on Sunday, January 14
On Wednesday, January 17 there will be a Community Lunch and a 7:00 PM Session meeting.

Celebration of Life – Dr. Foster Hill
January 20, 2024, 1:00 PM
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
Light lunch and reception in Wenino Hall to follow.
Visitation-Smith Funeral Home, January 20, 11:00AM –

January 5 Announcements

Happy New Year St. Andrew’s!

Rev. Emily will be away from December 25 to January 13. If you
have any pastoral concerns, please contact the Clerk of Session,
Mary Strong @ 519-466-2657 or call the office @ 519-332-2662.
Rev. Emily can be reached @ welcome our guest minister, Rev Mike Burns.

Please join us after worship for coffee and conversation.


November 17 Announcements

Orders are now being taken for SHORTBREAD COOKIES. Please contact Sandra St. Germain @519-336-9404. Shortbread will be made on November 29 & 30.

Mitten Tree and White Gift Sunday starts December 3 and will continue each Sunday until December 17. We are asking for donations of mittens, scarves, socks, or a Christmas gift (please mark  on the gift the age and gender)

Christmas Community Lunch on December 6
Tickets are $11 and must be purchased in advance.

Songs & Carols of Christmas with the Synergy 150 Choir on December 20
5 UShers are required. If you can help, call the office or see the sign-up sheet on the office door.

October 17 Announcements

Sharon Emmett and Rex Hillman would like to thank everyone for their hard work in preparing for the Fall Bazaar. Thank you to all those who prepared food, donated books, and gave their time to help make the Bazaar a great success!

You’re invited to our Community Lunch on Wednesday, November 1, catered by Sarnia Blessings.  The menu is Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, a vegetable, and dessert. The cost per meal is $11.

Rev. Emily will be away from Monday October 30 until Saturday November 4.  Should you have any pastoral concerns, please contact The Clerk of Session, Mary Strong @ 519-466-2657.

October 20 Announcements

Upcoming Events

Saturday, October 28 – Fall Bazaar and Vendor Sale
Wednesday, November 1 – Community Lunch
Sunday, November 12 – Remembrance Sunday
Sunday, November 19 – St. Andrew’s Anniversary

Fall Bazaar and Vendor Sale
Please bring all prepared frozen foods to the church by Friday afternoon.  If you need more containers, please see Sharon Emmett or Rex Hillman.  Donations of books, puzzles and games are welcome for the Bazaar book table.
Crafters from the congregation are welcome to sell their work as part of the Vendor Sale at the Bazaar. Please contact Mary Strong, 519-466-2657 for more information and to rent a table.

Please join us after worship today for coffee and conversation.
Coffee Servers are needed for November.  If you are able to help, please sign the sheet in Wenino Hall.

October 1 Announcements

Upcoming Events:
Sun Oct 8       Thanksgiving Sunday
Tues Oct 10    Pathways Group (Kitchen)
1:30 PM WMS (Choir Rm)
Wed Oct 11    10:00-11:00 AM Pathways Meal pick-up
7:00 PM Session (Board Rm)
Thur Oct 12   10:30 AM & 7:30 PM – Book Study (Choir Rm)

Scripture & Announcement Readers are needed for October 22 & 29.  If you are able to help, please sign the sheet on the office door, or call the office @ 519-332-2662.  Thank You.
Today, we will be celebrating the sacrament of Holy Communion.  The cream envelope donations will be used to further the work of the church.
Bazaar volunteers are needed to run the Book Table.  If you are able to help out, please call he office.  If you are interested in donating any books to the Bazaar, any donations would be appreciated.

August 20 Announcements

The August Communion offering is designated to our Mission Team.  The initiative has currently raised $720 towards their nursing home card ministry. Each resident in a nursing or retirement home in Sarnia will receive a Christmas greeting from St. Andrew’s in a beautiful card. Please use the yellow August envelope to give a little extra in support of this outreach ministry.

 Announcement readers and Scripture readers are needed for the month of September
Coffee servers are needed for the month of September
If you are able to help, please sign the sheet on the Office Door or call the Office @ 519-332-2662.

July 23 Announcements

If you have any pastoral concerns or to inform the office of anyone
who is sick or in hospital, please call the office at 519-332-2662, or
email Rev. Emily,

Please join us after worship  for cold drinks and  conversation in the Wenino  Hall.

Coffee Servers are needed for the month of August. If you are able to help, please sign the sheet in Wenino Hall. Thank You.


July 2 Announcements

Please join us after worship today for our patio picnic!

Please note that Rev. Emily will be away from Monday July 3 until Friday July 21.  Should you have any pastoral concerns, please contact The Clerk of Session, Mary Strong @ 519-466-2657.

Coffee Servers are needed for the month of July.  If you are able to help, please sign the sheet in Wenino Hall.  Thank you.

May 14 Announcements

On Tues. May 2, a meal was served to 64 people at The Inn of the Good Shepherd by St. Andrew’s volunteers. Well done St. Andrew’s volunteers!

Upcoming Events:
Wed. May 17 @ noon Community Lunch
Sun. June 4    Communion
Sun. June 11  Kirkin O’ Tartans
Sun. June 18  Father’s Day