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May 7 Announcements

Please join us after worship today for coffee, tea and conversation.  There will be cake in celebration of the coronation of King Charles III.

A Note from Rev. Emily:
From Ascension to Pentecost, we’ll once more be joining millions of Christians around the world in praying for the growth of the Church. Daily reflections and prayer prompts will be sent via our email subscription starting on May 18; please speak to Rev. Emily if you’d like to be added. Part of Thy Kingdom Come is choosing five friends or loved ones to pray for, that they might come to know and love Jesus as we do – so start thinking now about who you’d like to pray for this year

January 29 Announcements

Upcoming Events
Sunday, Feb.5 Sacrament of Holy Communion
Tuesday, Feb.21 Pancake Lunch
Sunday, Feb.26 First Sunday in Lent

1 Peter 4:10 God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of
spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.
Scripture and Announcement Readers are needed for the month
of February. If you are able to help, please either sign the sheet on the
Office door or call the Office @ 519-332-2662

January 15 Announcements

We welcome today, our guest organist Donna Taylor!

Please join us after the service today for coffee and conversation!

Our in-house chefs were busy on Friday making delicious Shepherds Pie. If you would like to purchase some, please see Noel Dundee or Fred Maxim after the service.   Cost is $7. Large or $5. Small

Upcoming Events
Sunday, Feb.5            Sacrament of Holy Communion
Sunday, Feb.26          First Sunday in Lent


December 18 Announcements

Please join us for our Christmas Eve Service.  There will be No Church Service on Sunday December 25.  However, if you do wish to worship on Christmas Day, there is a service at Emmanuel Church located at Paterson Church building) at 10:30 am.
January 1st, 2023, there will be a regular Church Service with Guest Minister, Rev. Blair Corcoran here at St. Andrews.

November 27 Announcements

YOU HAVE MAIL!  The 2023 envelopes are in your Church mailbox.  Please be sure and pick them up.
Shepherd’s Pie, made by St.Andrew’s own chefs, Noel & Fred, are available for sale.  Small $7. Large $10. Please speak to either of them after church if you are interested or call the church office.
Orders are now being taken for SHORTBREAD COOKIES.  Please contact Sandra St.Germain @ 519-336-9404
The new Daily Bread Devotionals are now available, they are located at each entrance if you wish you.

During this season of Advent, we’ll hear afresh the familiar names and stories of the coming of Christ at Christmas. Often, we approach Advent as a time of waiting and preparation: waiting for Christ to come again, by remembering how he first came among us; and preparing ourselves to receive Jesus into our hearts and, someday, into our world once more. It’s the story of how Jesus came into the world to change the world, a story that the familiar characters of Christmas are each invited to participate in, in their own unique way. This unending song of invitation echoes across the centuries, inviting all people to know the love, hope, and salvation offered by Jesus. But in Romans 10, we are asked to consider how people will be able to hear that song and believe, unless they have been invited. We received that invitation ourselves, and we RSVP’d with faith. We are also called to be God’s great invitation to all the people and in all the places we will be this season.

November 20 Announcements

St. Andrew’s Carol Singing

Sunday, Dec. 11,  7:00 p.m.
Songs & Carols of Christmas
with the Synergy 150 Choir



Mitton Tree and White Gift Sunday

 Starts Sunday, November 27 and goes each Sunday until December 11.  The Mission Committee is asking for Mittens, Scarves, Socks or a Christmas gift (please mark the age and gender). Items will be given to The Inn of the Good Shepherd and The Salvation Army.

October 30 Announcements

1 Peter 4:10 “Each of you has received a gift to use to serve others.
Be good servants of God’s various gifts of grace.

Coffee hosts are needed for the month of November, if you are able to help, please sign the sheet in Wenino Hall.

Plans are in the works to make shortbread cookies to be sold.  If you are able to help make cookies, please contact Irva Forest @519-542-6662 OR the Church Office @ 519-332-2662

Another round of turkey pies are going to be made.  If you are able to help on Thursday, November 17, please contact Sharon Emmett @519-337-9845 or Irva Forest @519-542-6662

The Christmas Season will soon be upon us and five Ushers are needed for the Christmas Carol Sing, December 11th.  Also, ushers will be needed for the Christmas Eve Service.  If you are able to help for either of these evenings, please contact the Church Office @ 519-332-2662

October 16 Announcements

We welcome today, our guest speaker Dr. Robert Walker.
Please join us after the service for coffee and conversation!

Tuesday          Making turkey pies  7am to Noon
Wednesday    Making turkey pies  7am to Noon
Thursday       Making turkey pies 

Saturday, Oct. 29      Fall Bazaar
Sunday, Nov. 6          Remembrance Sunday
Sunday, Nov. 20        St. Andrew’s 181st Anniversary

October 2 Announcements

Flat Jesus reminds us that Jesus is with us always wherever we go and whatever we do.  Many of you have submitted Flat Jesus photos and they will be posted in this space in the coming months.

The St. Andrew’s Fall Bazar will take place on Saturday, October 28 from 9 am to noon.  Mark your calendar and bring your friends!

An Announcement Reader is needed for Oct. 9th and a Scripture and Announcement Reader is needed for Oct. 16th. Please call the Office @519-332-2662 if you can help, thank you.